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10% discount by booking online group lessons.

(the discount applies to the balance in our offices)







From 12 to 18 March 2023 a week on the snow designed for children and families. The amazing opportunity to learn or perfect winter sports in a welcomming atmosphere, secure, which promotes friendship and socializing.

It is a special ski week! Full of great excitement and fun, specially created to fit the children and teenagers. Every day the children will learn to ski or to perfect combining teaching and games, shows and activities on the snow. More surprises, gifts and extra fun in collaboration with the Brand Partner of the ski school.

For participants to the Week 4 Kids with the coupon issued by the School 10% discount on the purchase of children's and junior ski pass at Madonna di Campiglio lifts






Hotel Alpen Suite ***** 

Hotel Cerana ****S

Hotel Cime D'Oro ***



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